PGDBA Interview Preparation Last moment tips

Fri Sep 10, 2021

Interviews are no different than the landmines

PGDBA interview is right around the corner and it is giving chills down the spine to many. I am back again with a few pointers which will definitely give a structure to your approach and will also reduce fear and anxiety. Without further ado, let's discuss what we need to do tomorrow.

1. As a rule of thumb, keep 4-5 main points in the introduction and the overall duration in the range 90 to 120 seconds. 

2. Emphasize the points in which you are pretty comfortable while introducing or giving any other answer. And do the opposite, i.e. refrain yourselves from giving out points to the interviewers in which you are not comfortable.

3. Take a pause of 4-5 seconds before answering the questions, that will help you to structure your answer in points and also will allow you to understand the question properly.

4. Keep your generic answers brief and it would be better to give points. No need to give explanation without being asked for a simple Yes/No question.

5. Speak out loud while solving mathematics questions as it will allow the interviewers to know about your thought process and will also engage them well.

6. Whenever handling a situation based problem or a puzzle, ask for the assumptions and the available data which is required to solve the problem. Any discussion on such questions can go on for 5-6 mins, so don't try to answer the question in a minute or so.

7. Avoid giving qualitative answers based on your experience to the problems which are asked with respect to analytics.

Now let's discuss some of the behavioral aspects and bust some myths before going for the interview tomorrow.

1. Don't anticipate the questions and the type of interview you are going to give. Go with an unbiased mind which is ready to deal with every type of question. Anticipation followed by surprise leads to panic which we have already witnessed in the written exam.

2. Don't rely on composite scores to judge your overall chance. Cut-off is nothing but a pre-requisite or a threshold which justifies that the candidates above this are more or less similar in their written exam performance. The reason is, had it been for some other day, the same person who scored 130 might have scored 100 or less and vice versa. 

3. Take interviews as a separate exam which is disconnected from your written exam score, profile score and your academic background. Why so? Because fresher candidates with so called worst profiles have converted against all odds. 

4. Last but not the least. It is completely fine to say no to a particular question if you don't know about it without getting demotivated. 

That is all from my experience of hosting more than 80 PGDBA Interviews in 2021.

Aakash Gangwar